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Simo Hankaniemi
Liittynyt: 08 Hei 2004 Viestejä: 4937 Paikkakunta: Turku
Lähetetty: 28.02.2015 04:45 Viestin aihe: North American Great Plains archery |
A mallard shot with a Plains style bow and arrow. This photo was taken some time after the hunt, so the bird had spent time in a freezer and the arrow is not the same one which harvested the bird. |
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J Menna
Liittynyt: 21 Hel 2008 Viestejä: 1742 Paikkakunta: Rajamäki
Lähetetty: 28.02.2015 07:46 Viestin aihe: |
This is my favourite picture. Boy looks harmless for all nature, but is not!!!! |
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